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Where does a weightlifting journey start?

Maybe you're looking at starting up at a gym, thinking about changing your habits or are just sick of sitting around. Figuring out where to start a fitness journey can feel daunting but it doesn't have to be!

What I tell all of my patients is to start small, but most importantly, Be Consistent.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Will Durant

No matter what it is, consistency builds a habit so choose the things that come to you naturally.

  • If you sit most of the day, think about taking three 15 minute walks to break up the time

  • If you want space to be "fitness oriented", go be around weights.

  • If you like to work out with a buddy, find a weekly class you'll both enjoy.

Now that there are some examples thrown into the universe, consider the following option:

  • Go to a gym or fitness center 2 days a week, choose the same times and days each week, spend 30 minutes with weights or machines you are comfortable with, plan on at least 1.25 hours for travel, exercise, and shower.

I have personally found that being surrounded by what intimidates me (when it shouldn't) is the best way to be more comfortable, when comfort is reached, there's more potential to step outside of your comfort zone, rinse and repeat. There's no "right time" or "too late" when it comes to choosing to take care of yourself. Just start and be consistent.

Now that the lecture is out of the way, let's look at what to start with.

I like bodyweight/ lightweight movements for all beginners. Laying the foundation for movement means you will be able to progress in a way that is not likely to lead to injury. With the lighter weight, you'll want to practice controlling the movement: slow and intentional. Greatness does not happen by accident.

Movements to start with:

My recommendation for starting is the perform 3 sets of 10 reps for each movement. You can make this into an upper body and lower body day with 3 movements each repeating the Pallof Press in each day. It is safe and helpful to repeat the movements for a few weeks with little variation, remember consistency leads to gains. What that means is that each week you get to add/increase weight as the form gets solidified and you get used to the movements. Maybe add in a 3rd day if you're feeling up to it.

An important note for everyone beginning: Soreness is normal and expected when starting a new training/exercise program! Do not let it keep you on the couch, if you are sore it is better to move and and help circulation remove the soreness [active rest days].

Chiropractic adjustments and myofascial release work better and more effectively when your body is stronger and training to adapt. As you are better aligned and less mobility inhibited, the strengthening will build you up in ways to keep you moving and living your life!

I hope this is helpful! Please reach out if you have more questions on where/how to start your physical health journey. :)

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